What's this all about?

A new adventure beckons, and this is once again about my personal journey to make it happen.

It might make you laugh; it might make you cry, but by 'eck lads and lasses, it will be worth a quick skeg every now and then, tha's for sure.

Thursday 27 January 2011

This waiting game is KILLING me

Hmm, sat here twiddling my thumbs impatiently.

So far this week I've had a couple of great meetings with charities one-on-one and I've decided which ones have made it to the final list. I have 2 lists; one specifically for Yorkshire charities and one for national charities that have local ties. See the lists below.

I've also paid the second half of my deposit and I've set up one of the two Virgin Money Giving pages ready for donations (I'm using Virgin because they only take a 2% fee from donations whereas JustGiving takes 5%). So why am I twiddling my thumbs impatiently I hear you ask? Go on ... ask me, you know you want to.

Well I can't finish my second VMG page until Virgin set up one of the charities on their site and I can't get to my recommended training schedule by the North Pole experts because one of the charities has to be respond to Charity Challenge to 'complete' my registration. And ..... it's .... killing .... me .... to  .... wait !!!

I've got people asking about donating, I've got my own mental and physical preparation to start and believe me when I say it's starting to hit home (which is good). My brother called from the States last night (he lives there) to say he's just watched a documentary about the physical demands of the Pole and if I gave up he'd be okay with that.

Sod that for a game of soldiers I said; I appreciated the sentiment but I was going to do this because life isn't worth living by half and if it means I have to push myself harder than ever before, be fitter and stronger and more muscular than before (calm yourself ladies) then that's what I'd be doing. End of.

And so dear readers, here I am at 2045hrs tapping my fingers on my desk wishing like crazy that the last two pieces of the jigsaw would fall into place and then whizz, pow, wham and thwack (to steal words from the old Batman series on TV) I'd be away and running. Well, skiing.

Finally (almost): -

Jane and Paul, if you're reading this thanks SOOOO much for the first £50 donation .... that means there is just 1 999 to go.

Tania, good luck with the move to Germany (and let me know if I CAN come over cross-country skiing)

Charities (equal share of donations via respective pages on VMG or donate direct but refer to my North Pole trek in 2012 please): -

Yorkshire = Candlelighters, Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Heart Research UK, Jane Tomlinson Appeal, & tbc
(www.virginmoneygiving.com/geoffmajoryorkshire is awaiting final charity details)

National = Multiple Sclerosis, Samaritans, Muscular Dystrophy, Help for Heroes, & McMillan Nurses
(www.virginmoneygiving.com/geoffmajornational is already set up)

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