What's this all about?

A new adventure beckons, and this is once again about my personal journey to make it happen.

It might make you laugh; it might make you cry, but by 'eck lads and lasses, it will be worth a quick skeg every now and then, tha's for sure.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Here's what's coming up folks

Morning (because it is 00:08 when I'm starting this blog entry).

Isn't it funny, you're tired and then you check one more thing on the internet and (in true 1960's Batman style) BAMMMMM, THWACK and KAPOWWWW!! Something shocks your brain and even though your body is calling-out to go to bed after a long day (more on that soon), your brain is going bonkers.

Oh, for those readers who don't know who Batman is let alone can't imagine the stunning special effects and choreography of those fantastic fights scenes all the way back as far back as the 1960's, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ose0R85rY4&NR=1 (it's only 24 seconds long but that's MORE than enough to give you the idea).

Well here I am, bammed, thwacked and kapow'd after seeing the comment from Mark Evans on my 51st blog entry. Mark, you're a altruistic superstar so don't you go overplaying my challenge and implicitly underplaying your amazing efforts both financially and in terms of the time and patience you give back. You are a role model.

Anyway, wide awake I thought I'd let you know some of the things to come shortly: -

a) Photos from an amazing evening at Zinc in Manchester last night (well, technically the night before given it's now Friday). Wednesday 22nd June was the first ever event I've arranged and the people who attended were just magnificent helping raise over £2300 for the charities I'm fundraising for. Lots of photos (assuming Tomas has done a good a job as I expect he has).

My day started at 5:30am on Wednesday morning and ended at 2:00am Thursday morning; anxiety all the way until 4pm and then .... blinkin' marvellous fun !!

b) The gym sessions last Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday morning have really kick-started the cardio again; already back up to 2 x 16kg for squats and now only 30-seconds to rest between every 3-minute round of exercise (I tell you a minute of squats with 32kg, followed by a minute of reverse lunges with 16kg and a minute of bench jumping just KILLS the thighs). More tyre pulling as well as the gym, coming right up.

c) Phil Pond is a Yorkshire Mafia member (a LinkedIn group) and he wants to come and pull the tyres AND write on his company's 40 000+ subscriber blog about my Involve ethos. How cool is that?!?!

I've also had a few other YM LinkedIn members talk about having a go at pulling the tyres so watch out for a YouTube channel on the Trek with clips of a variety of people pulling the tyres .... maybe including some celebrities.

d) Advert ready for the Beyond magazine and editorial being finalised as well. Can't show you the ad because it's PDF and this blog won't allow PDF's to be displayed.

e) I always wondered what it would feel like to wear 9 layers of clothing, so I'm going to try with my normal clothes. Watch this space for a picture diary of me turning into the 'blimp'

f) After the Zinc success, bring on Leeds Restaurant Bar & Grill with 200+ seats to fill. This time (and then in Harrogate and Sheffield ... and maybe York) I'm going to make those a massive success with loads more added-value

g) I need more photos with other charities' t-shirts on. Mark Van Spall (MVS photography) is taking me onto Saddleworth Moor for some PR shots dragging the tyres; which charities can send me a t-shirt (already got Heart Research UK, Yorkshire Cancer Research and Candlelighters).

h) I feel a PPiK Indoor Karting charity challenge coming on and must chase the Arndale Centre about my specific idea for there.

But first it's bed, then work, then taking Lucia to the airport, then home to the gym, then domestic god stuff followed by more training and hopefully an amazing photo blog of the Zinc evening. Can't thank Su, Craig, Isaac and the team enough for their wonderful support.

Oh yeah, and I'll try to do all the things I didn't finish last weekend. Bugger !!  And now it's 00:46 so good night zzzzzz

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